Hi, I’m Christine.
I am a late-discovered and neuro-affirming Autistic Psychotherapist and Coach. I am passionate about supporting individuals and families to learn more about what it is to be Autistic, and with this, support and empower them and those around them to live a more comfortable and fulfilling life.
Contact me today if:
- you think you might be Autistic and you are looking for support on your self-identification journey
- you have received a diagnosis and are looking for support in processing your emotions around this discovery
- you are a family member wishing to support an Autistic loved one in a neuro-affirming way
- your family member is Autistic and you would benefit from some 1:1 support for yourself, as you support them.
I offer one-off therapy sessions and my coaching programme, ‘Unlearning Autism – Neuro-Affirming Support For Late-Identified Autistic Adults’
1:1 Support Sessions
I support clients who have received a diagnosis or those who are self-identified and are looking for support in processing their emotions around this discovery
I also offer 1:1 sessions to family members who are wishing to support an Autistic loved one in a neuro-affirming way
My 1:1 support sessions are charged at a rate of €70 per session
Autistic Post-Identification Programme
Unlearning Autism is my neuro-affirming support for late-identified Autistic adults
This is a 4-session programme set out over 8-12 weeks at a pace that is appropriate and suitable for you. Following each session you will receive a take-home pack including recent neuro-affirming research and coaching tools and questions to support our work together
Unlearning Autism is designed to empower you as you embark on your post-discovery journey. Combining psychoeducation, coaching, counselling and nervous system regulation, this programme will help you to rediscover and embrace your unique strengths, navigate life with newfound clarity, and thrive beyond diagnosis
It’s never too late to discover your authentic self and build a fulfilling future!
My work is focused on guiding you as you return to who you truly are
My Autistic Post-Identification Programme, Unlearning Autism, is charged at a total rate of €500
What my clients Say
Don't just take my word for it! Here is what some of my previous clients have to say about their work with me:
1-2-1 Work with Christine
I offer both counselling psychotherapy and wellbeing life coaching to adults. My therapeutic style is compassion focused, goal oriented and positively challenging.
Purchase Our Journals
Self-Reflect is a journal I designed for you. Each page has a date prompt for you to fill - inviting you to journal only on the days that are right for you. Throughout the journal you will find pops of positivity that I hope you love and at the start of the journal there is a space for your personal self-care affirmation. Enjoy x
What I Offer
Find what you're searching for among my offerings. You can expect:
I’m offline here for now but still online and in real life! Please do get in touch if I can be of any help with your unlearning.
Christine 🙏
Here I go … I’m a bit terrified to be honest … a year off social media … I’ll miss the chats … and the scrolling … but I am also curious to see what I find in the space I crave.
And .. I’m still here! To enquire about training / talks, to join the Unlearning Autism Buddy Read, to sign up for my group Wild Women, to book in for pre/post or self discovery support sessions - contact me old school - email christine@christinedoyle.ie
Be right back xx
I love Instagram.
I love the interaction and the chats. I love the community and the inspiration. I love meeting other late identified Autistic people and sharing stories and experiences. That feeling of meeting another like me, like us. Magic!
Over the past year or more social media has become a big part of my life. If I’m not engaging with it, I’m often thinking about it. About what to post, what to share, would this be too much or is this, in fact, exactly what we need to talk about more?
But all this wondering and creating has distracted me from the life in front of me. A life I love. A life I have recently missed as I notice my mind not fully present, not fully here. A life that is going on around me that I feel slightly apart from. A life that I deserve, that I created, that I am proud of, that is mine.
I’m not a middle of the road person. Never have been. I find it very hard to ‘half’ do things. I’m either in or out!
For the next year I’m intentionally leaning the other way. I’m taking a break from social media while I return to me.
I am, and intend to be more than ever, still ‘here’ (just not here here) and if you want to reach out please email me on christine@christinedoyle.ie
For those who took part in my recent study on hormones, keep an eye on my website www.christinedoyle.ie where I will post a blog about it
See you on the other side,
Christine xx
(I’ll be here for a day/2 as I tidy up a few loose ends)
One of the most powerful aspects of a late identification is access to a language I never knew existed and offers me a way of understanding myself and my unanswered questions so perfectly
It’s in the searching that I lose myself, and in the being that I am fully me.
Searching feels important and daily draws me in .. thinking, reflecting, pondering, figuring out .. hours and hours in my own head, sometimes happily, and sometimes not. Searching, for me, is a slippery slope to rumination.
Being .. nature, chatting, movement, playing, creating, stretching, listening, loving .. can feel frivolous and almost like “the icing on the cake” and “I’ll have that when I’ve it all figured out” .. but I can see how wrong this is.
Being is everything. Being feeds my soul and makes everything feel lighter and more accessible, it’s where I notice I am truly me, unencumbered and unrestrained.
Doubt free.
Thought free.
Filter free.
A me a life of searching will never bring.
Whilst I am proud to be AuDHD, I wouldn’t choose it
There is a lot that I now understand about myself through the lens of my neurodivergence. I know better what works best to support my wellbeing, and what doesn’t.
But while I and others like me live in a society that doesn’t understand what this means but instead continues to pathologise, marginalise, judge and other, I and other neurodivergent people like me, are not safe to be authentically and fully ourselves.
I am calling this chapter of my life hand-luggage only
I am no longer interested in the false lure of excess baggage
I know all I need and what I no longer have room for
Few over more
Curated over gathered
Treasured over coveted
Simple over statement
Long mornings over forgotten nights
Easy over hard-won
Heart-led over ego-driven
Knowing over wanting
Honesty over nice
Integrity over placating
Hugs over everything
Nothing over breadcrumbs
Healing over wounding
Trust over gossip
Content over overwhelmed
Me over not me
All I want for Christmas is a few more spoons!
For the full blog there is a link in my bio or you can find it on my website https://www.christinedoyle.ie/why-we-autists-need-to-keep-an-eye-on-our-spoons/